Sniffing Armpits Is The Newest Dating Trend And Everyone Is Following

Armpit Dating is the newest dating craze to hit London and to our surprise, people are coming forward to give it a try! According to this courting method, you can choose your partner based on the smell of their body odour. Looks like the meeting of eyes and following your heart is going in the past of UK. It’s time people sniff each other and pick the best smelling one as their date.
Scroll down to know more about this bizarre dating trend.

So apparently, the date hunting nights wouldn’t be anything like this.

So apparently, the date hunting nights wouldn

Rather, they’d be like this.

Rather, they

Earlier, a few celebs started the armpit hair challenge, which was a bit gross IMO

Earlier, a few celebs started the armpit hair challenge, which was a bit gross IMO

Sooner, dyed armpits hit the internet.

Sooner, dyed armpits hit the internet.

The evening is being dubbed as ‘Romancing The Armpit’

The evening is being dubbed as
According to the plans, the men and women will also be served specially concocted perspiration cocktails and given a lecture on scents.

The awkwardness of sniffing each other’s armpits will give a ‘telling insight’ into each other’s personalities

The awkwardness of sniffing each other
This idea originally belongs to Bompas & Parr. They explain the science behind this bizarre-sounding idea: “We know that pheromones – the airborne compounds secreted in our sweat – play a role in sexual attraction. Our body odour is largely influenced by Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules, which are genetically determined and linked to the immune system.”Continue Reading...