This Happens To Your Body When You Don’t Shower

Since we have been young, we’ve been taught to take a bath every day and keep our bodies clean. This is not because we have to follow some customs or listen to our parents. Keeping our bodies clean has a scientific reason.
The importance of taking a shower every day is scientifically proven. So if you’ve been caught up with work or it’s too cold outside to take a bath, here are your reasons for jumping into a quick shower.

1. Bad bacteria

1. Bad bacteria
The upper layer of skin on your body contains good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria produces natural moisturizers and protects your body from bad bacteria. If you don’t shower, the bad bacteria forms a layer over the good bacteria and doesn’t allow it to function. As a result, there would be an accumulation of bad bacteria over your skin that spreads germs and skin-relate diseases.-(id:26202)

2. Infections on the skin.

2. Infections on the skin.
If the bad bacteria stays on your skin for too long, it may cause infections as well.

3. Dirt and sweat

3. Dirt and sweat
Even if it is the peak of winter, our body sweats without realizing it. This sweat might evaporate or gets absorbed in your clothing, but the germs secreted along with the sweat stay on your skin.

4. Flaky skin

4. Flaky skin
Accumulation of dirt and germs due to skipping bath can also lead to flaky or scaly skin.
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