This Zero Star Hotel In Switzerland With No Walls Or Ceilings Costs Insane Amount

You would be so amazed by this cool place in the arms of nature which can be totally considered as a gift to the travelers from across the world. And in every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. Null stern breaks all the custom about lavish hotels. In German, the hotel’s name translates to ‘Zero Stars.’ But you get a billion stars above you anyway. They got rid of all the walls, and ceilings so nothing can come between you and your experience. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking few landscapes, but in having new eyes. This hotel is definitely one of the greatest hotels you will check into in your lifetime.

Located beneath the night sky, on a mountain side.

Located beneath the night sky, on a mountain side.
This zero star hotel is located in the mystical Swiss Alps and is a different and amazing experience. There are no ceilings, no walls or doors and is an open air hotel which proves to be more of an incredible art form which is a lot more of experience than just a stay.-(id:26183)

All you need to know about it

All you need to know about it
This hotel is located 6,463 feet above sea level in the heart of the Swiss Alps. The room costs about $210 per night. When you check into this one room experience, you will get a tiny floor with a bed on it, a couple of bedside tables & bed lamps and a mesmerizing view.

The Construction Crew

The Construction Crew
The team had to flatten the land before installing the bed on it. To do that on a mountain area definitely took a lot of hard work.

The Mother Nature is the ultimate bliss.

The Mother Nature is the ultimate bliss.
This captivating idea was given by Frank and Patrik Riklin and hospitality professional Daniel Charbonnier in hope that it will highlight the beauty of Switzerland’s landscapes.

The head servant will be there for the guests.

The head servant will be there for the guests.
The hotel is located in Safiental, and the hotel has a manservant that will provide you whatever you need. He wears white gloves and a bow tie and ensures that each guest receives a warm welcome, Also, he lives in the cabin nearby, so he will cook and serve you in the bed itself.

No Bathrooms attached.

No Bathrooms attached.
You may be wondering about the bathrooms or restrooms in the case of emergencies? You don’t need to get worried. There is a restroom just 10 mins away from the bed or hotel.

Thunderstorms is a major problem.

Thunderstorms is a major problem.
Weather plays a vital role in such a case. However, the reservations can get cancelled at a short notice due to poor weather conditions.
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