Your Daily Beauty Products Contain Weird Ingredients. #5 Has Bird’s Poop In It!

Do you think your beauty products are your best friends? Then, probably snail slime, bird’s guano, placenta and other weird stuff (which you can’t even think of) are also your loved ones. Are you thinking, what rubbish am I talking? Ha-ha, well my friends kicked my ass for this but, I’m really concerned for all of us. Let me tell you, what I mean with all this.
Do you have any idea, the daily beauty enhancing products that we use are made up of the weirdest ingredients? The red lipstick you’re regularly applying is made up of crushed beetles, or the perfume you spray consists of whale poop. This isn’t a joke.
Of course, now, you must be curious to know what else weird in the name of your beauty products which you are using daily. So, let’s check it out.

#1 Your shampoo is made up of fish scales.

#1 Your shampoo is made up of fish scales.
All that glitters is not gold. A fancy term given to a fish scale is ‘crystalised guanine’ and that’s why some of the cosmetics and shampoos advertise shine.

#2 Whale poop in the perfumes.

#2 Whale poop in the perfumes.
Poop of whales consists of a substance called ambergris. When it comes out of the whale’s body, starts floating in the ocean. After some time, it converts into waxy solid that have a sweet odor.

#3 Anti-aging cream you use is made up of snail slime.

#3 Anti-aging cream you use is made up of snail slime.
These gooey creatures slime contain ‘mucin extract’ that has regenerative properties in it and helps in moisturizing the skin.

#4 Red lipstick is made up of crushed beetles.

#4 Red lipstick is made up of crushed beetles.
Cochineal beetles excrete a red chemical called carminic acid. When this acid combines with calcium salts, it forms a natural red dye called carmine.Continue Reading...