10 Easy Tricks That Can Make You Fall Asleep As Soon As You Close Eyes

You had a complete tiring day at work, come back home, eat proper dinner, socialise a bit and then what completes your perfect day is a sound sleep. Sleeping good and on time is something which refreshes the mind & body and energises the hormones to get-set-go for the next hectic day at work even. Not only this but if your body takes proper sleep, then there are various health issues which you won't ever face in your entire life. But there are people who are insomniacs! No matter how hard they try, 'sleep' always escapes their eyes. And if this doesn't stop for a long time then medication is the ultimate solution to it. But here we bring to you some of the unconventional tricks that may help you out to get proper sleep. Read more below.

This is for sure 'you' if you try hard to sleep at night

 Sleepless people often land up in a pose like this. Wondering, lost in their own world. Trying to feel okay but they are not so.

 1. Try to associate a soothing behavior that you discovered when you last had a good sleep

Rub your hand very slowly with your finger as you are falling asleep. Remember this particular induction, have a positive mindset deprived of all the negativities and repeatedly perform the action. It will surely work.

2. Do not, mind it, DO NOT stare at the clock, no matter if you have set up an alarm

It is obvious you know, when you have to get up early in the morning, you set up an alarm. And when you are sleepless, you constantly stare at the clock ticking and ponder over to get up early. Amidst this, the sleep can't find its place. So this merely centres your brain to get up the next morning rather than sleeping well. Thus avoid doing this if you do so.

3. Humming

 Yes, it may sound a bit awkward at first but this is something that has traced its roots from meditation and yoga. The technique is simple. Breathe out of your mouth, try to hum in the whole breath, focus at how this sound vibrates in your chest over six breaths and then sit quietly. Tell your mind that it is ready to sleep now. 

4. Alternate nostril breathing

This may also be a bit weird but it really is effective. When you are in bed, lay on your left side, cover your right nostril and then slowly breathe away through your left nostril. It also reduces blood pressure and makes someone fall asleep sooner.

5. Rub the hollow portion at the top of your ear

This portion is a sensitive pressure point which when rubbed may make you fall asleep.

6. Self Hypnosis

Yes, it is crazy but this technique which was discovered by a German psychiatrist is better known as Autogenic Training(AT). It involves repeating of a certain script which makes a person go into a state of relaxation and fall asleep.

7. Roll the eyes

Science suggests that rolling your eyes at about three times exhibits the release of the sleep hormone called melatonin. Try it for sure.

8. Dip your face in cold water

Anxiety is the major reason that people can't sleep well in the night. Well to get over that you may just dip your face in ice cold water for about 30 seconds and then discover that you have refreshed yourself. This will result in proper sleep.

9. Go out and blow some bubbles

This surprised me too but yes researches prove that blowing bubbles enhance slow and relaxed breathing. Floating bubbles are so soothing to the eyes.

10. Force yourself to stay awake

Yes this is counter productive but it has been proven that forcing yourself to stay awake can help you get out of insomnia because there is a shift of emotions from being anxious to being dedicated to sleep. I would surely try this out.
Well, it is fine. You can thank us later!
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