Their Newborn Was Covered In Hundreds Of Birthmarks, But Look At Her 19 Years Later

#1 ‘One day I remember being on the school bus and hearing a young boy laugh at me and call me a spotty dog,’ Ciera said.

#2 'Teenage boys are usually the first ones to comment when they see me,' she said. 'They say things like,
'That really knocked my confidence, I was only young and it made me feel different to the other kids like something was wrong with me.'

#3 'I feel lucky to have grown up in a small town because most of the people around me know about my birthmarks, so I felt quite normal.'

#4 'People in my town don't bat an eye when they see me now, as they know me. But if I go somewhere new, it's not so easy.'
"Over time I've learnt to brush off negative comments and remember that most people stare and say cruel things because they're not used to seeing someone with my condition."

#5 Ciera wearing a bikini posted her picture on the internet, in which all her birthmarks were visible clearly.
Several bullies got a chance to poke her on rare skin condition.

#6 'My mom told me that my birthmarks were angel kisses.'

#7 ‘And my dad is the first person to stand up to defend me if anyone says anything horrible to me.’