OMG! 23-Year-Old Boy Became A Father And Grandfather Within Few Weeks

  Family relations and the age gaps have always confused me in my life. There can be no formula as in to calculate the perfect age gap between two members or relations of a family. These are those very few things in the world which are not time bounded. Still, if somebody will tell you that he became a father at the age of 23 and turned into a grandfather weeks after it, you will certainly raise your eyebrows and call him a drunk. But before you do that, read this.

Tommy Connolly with his Teenaged cousin sister

 Tommy had not seen his sister Lisa(name changed) for 10 years and then he had to accept her when he heard of her bad condition. She was homeless for years and now is 32 weeks pregnant.

Lived under the shadow of drugs and violence!

 Lisa's boyfriend is in prison for some reason, and she had only one option, and that was to keep her baby in foster care. That's when Tommy came to her rescue.

Tommy's problems

 Tommy, a 23-year-old student at the University of Sunshine Coast, had just 3000 $ in his bank account, and he had to spend that on a new rental home for his cousin because of regulations from the Department of Child Safety.
He adopted his cousin and hence became a father followed by becoming a grandfather after the kid took birth.

Blessed with a baby boy but never with a good life!

 She was addicted to methamphetamine at the age of 11, was homeless at 13 and pregnant by 16.

This is how he became what he became!

 As Tommy was the only elder person in her blood relation, he was like a father figure to her. And after the birth of the baby boy, he turned into a grandfather in a matter of weeks!

Luck came back with the baby boy!

 She started leading a normal life and is now also applying for a driving licence before going back to the school.

Her dreams are on the line!

 She wanted to become a chef, but she will now have to focus completely on learning to parent.

Not for fame!

 Tommy claims that he has not shared his story over social media for any kind of cheap fame. He just wanted people to know what happened with him.

Blend of funny and emotional responses!

 He got some funny comments asking if he is single and some warm responses praising him.

Perfect gift!

Some random "fan" of his gifted him this. "Kaydan" might be the baby's name. Also, he revealed his sister's name as Kiarna. Share the warm story with everyone.